What is Baptism?
Baptism has been a Christian symbol since the time of Jesus (Matthew 3:1-6). It involves applying water to Christians to symbolize their death to the old way of life (Romans 6:3-4) and their new life God provides (Galatians 3:26-27). Baptism, a sacramental "means of grace," seals one's intention to follow God (Acts 2:37-41, 8:35-39, 10:44-48). The Bible never defines how much water was applied or how. Therefore, the Church of the Nazarene considers immersion, sprinkling, and pouring all to be acceptable methods of baptism.
Nazarenes also understand baptism to be a symbol of the new relationship God establishes with His people. Because of this, some Nazarenes choose to have their young children baptized as a symbol of their intention to raise their children in God's Church and their hope to see that their children choose God's ways when they are older.
Am I Ready For Baptism?
So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. Galatians 3:26-27
If you're ready to talk about Baptism, please contact us!
What does Fishers Point believe and value?
We believe that:
* God created the heavens, earth, and humanity. (Genesis 1)
* Humanity is sinful. (Romans 3:23)
* We do not deserve to be loved by God, but He loves us anyway.(Romans 5:8)
* Jesus is the Messiah. (John 4:24-26)
* Jesus can completely transform our lives. (2 Corinthians 3:18)
* All scripture is God breathed. (2 Timothy 3:16)
* Jesus can set us free from the slavery of sin. (Galatians 5:1)
Our values:
Challenging Discipleship- Each mode of discipleship (small groups, sermons, and one on one meeting) will be for the purpose of taking the individual(s) further in their walk with Christ.
Fervent Prayer- Prayer is the foundation for any Christian endeavor, and the goal is to orient every aspect of the church in a way that is deeply rooted in intercession.
Intentional Hospitality- The purpose of intentional hospitality is to create an atmosphere in which the church and those in it maintain a welcoming atmosphere to new comers.
​Relational Fellowship- One of the main purposes of the Church is fellowship. Unity in the body of Christ is essential to building a healthy and whole community. The intent to become creative with the ministry of fellowship so that families can grow closer together. God created humans to be social beings, and interaction with one another helps us grow in spiritual maturity.
​​Passionate Worship- Worship is not an isolated action, but a lifestyle. The praise and worship leaders at Fishers Point Community Church will seek to provide an experience that is both inspirational, and thought-provoking. The purpose of this experience would be to free people of their inhibitions and encourage passionate expressions of praise.
​Holistic Stewardship- It is true that most speak of stewardship in the financial sense. This concept actually includes every aspect of our lives. The idea of holistic stewardship is the idea that we are indebted to God based on everything He has provided for us.
​​​Purpose Driven Outreach- The outreach provided through FPCC will take place for the purpose of leading people to Jesus Christ. Evangelism will be done based on community and individual needs. Also, we heavily support local and overseas missions.
How can I volunteer?
Fishers Point has many areas of service for you to get plugged into! Visit our Staff page to get connected to one of our leaders!
Ephesians 2:10: For we are God's handiwork created in Christ Jesus, to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
1 Peter 4:10: Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.